
Showing posts from 2016


The term nuclear_charge is use to define the effective force over the outermost electron present in the valence shell of an atom. The consideration of #Nuclea r_charge is just as an imaginary line if force which tends to hold up the electrons more effectively so that the magnitude of # Atomic_size decrease and this in turn affects the other # periodic_properties of the elements. With the increasing value of #Nuclear_charge the inward pull💪 to the electrons increases and thus size decreases.👇👇

Nucleophilic substitution reactions...

A chemical reaction is said to Nucleophilic type if the attack of a positive charge loving specie takes place over it. There are generally two types of reactions for this category ; ● SN1 reaction ● SN2 reaction # SN1 》a reaction is said to be SN1 type if it does involves the nucleophilic substitution by unimolecular type. In SN1 reactions the generation of carbocation takes place in the very first step then the attack of nucleophile takes place. They involves the complete retention of symmetry. Although inversion of symmetry also occur but the major product is always with the retention of symmetry... It involves the presence of Base in the first step. The order of reactivity is 3°>2°1 ° since the carbocation generation occur. # SN2 》a reaction is said to be of SN2 type if it does involves the nucleophilic substitution of bimolecular type. This reaction is of 1 step only since the attack of nucleophile as well as the removal of le...

Nucleic Acids

Nucleic Acids are defined as the biomolecules, polymers present in the living system. They are also called #polynucleotides since the repeating unit of nucleic Acids is nucleotide. Each nucleotide is made up of three parts ● a sugar molecule           ●  a heterocyclic nitrogenous Base           ●   a phosphoric acid group Thus in general a nucleotide may be represented by the figure below  #MRM