
Showing posts from 2017


#JEE NEWS (2017) The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has notified following two changes in the JEE pattern for 2017: ■ There shall be no weightage for the 12th class marks in calculating the ranks in the JEE (Main) examination , ■ For the candidates to qualify for the admission in the IITs/NITs/IIITs and such other CFTIs whose admissions are based on the JEE (Advanced)/JEE(Main) ranks, they should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class examination, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class examination conducted by the respective Boards. For SC/ST students the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class examination. The States of Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Uttrakhand, Nagaland, Odisha & some other institutions have joined JEE (Main) system, however, their admission criteria will be notified by the concerned authorities. Therefore, the candidates seeking admission to the institutions in these states, which were...


Students appearing for Class X board exams from next year will have to study six subjects instead of five with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) remodelling its assessment scheme. Class X students have to presently study five subjects—two languages, social science, mathematics and science. Students also have a choice of studying a vocational subject as an “additional” course. However, from the 2017-18 academic year, it will be compulsory to study a vocational subject.