
Showing posts from 2015

Photoelectric effect...

Photoelectric effect ; when light of certain frequency strikes the surface of a metal, electrons are ejected from the metal surface. This phenomena is called photoelectric effect.  Cesium, which amongst the alkali metals has the lowest ionisation energy is metal from which electrons are ejected most easily by light. This metal is used in making electric cells.  Observation regarding photoelectric effect are;  1) for each metal, a certain minimum frequency of incident light is needed to eject electrons. This is known as threshold frequency.  2) The no.of ejected electrons from metal surface depends upon the intensity of incident radiations.


Isomers are define as the the chemical compounds having same molecular formula but different structural formula. On the basis of various types of arrangement we have the following classification of isomers...

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Organic Analysis of salts... One of the qualitative technique by which we can identify the given mixture of salts(inorganic or organic). The basic tool of identification is the step by step analysis of given mixture. It may involve prelim test and then some chemical tests... However we may get the best results by confirmatory tests...  Here we have some basic trends about how to get analyse given mixture of salt.

Acid Base Titrations...

Titration is define as the interaction of any two given chemical substances. Usually we take acid and base for studying titrations. Titrations of KMnO4  along with Oxalic Acid is one of the important titration reaction. We could get volume of the substance used as well as the molarity , molality and normality.   Potassium permanganate, KMnO 4 , is a strong oxidizing agent . Permanganate, MnO 4 - , is an intense dark purple color. Reduction of purple permanganate ion to the colorless Mn +2 ion, the solution will turn from dark purple to a faint pink color at the equivalence point. No additional indicator is needed for this titration. The reduction of permanganate requires strong acidic conditions. In this experiment, permanganate will be reduced by oxalate, C 2 O 4 2- in acidic conditions. Oxalate reacts very slowly at room temperature so the solutions are titrated hot to make the procedure practical. The unbalance redox reaction is shown bel...

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Cbse questions from following chapters...


Regarding the state of MERCURY at room temperature....

Being as metal it should have solid state but it is liquid at room temperature.  If we discuss the same topic on the basis of molecular forces of attractions then we could suggest that the cohesiveforces are of larger extent which inturn makes the lattice structure completly collapse and this ultimately lead to the formation of fused state at normal atmospheric preesure. Althogh @ -37.8 celcius the state is liquid.

Amines and their basic nature...

The amines ... Aliphatic and Aromatic types are present in organic studies. They posses the basic character because of the presence of nitrogen atom which is having one lone pair of electron and therefore they usually acts as lewis base. The basicity order goes on differently depending upon the type of group attached with them at specifically ortho , meta , para position.  When we are talking about their basic strength it is always maximum for para isomers since this isomer is most stable in nature and hence the lone pair of nitrogen is completly free for possessing lewis base character. Whereas, ortho isomer is less basic because of ORTHO effect.