WHY MBBS & MEDICAL STUDIES IN INDIA HAVE BECOME MORE THAN A DIFFICULT TASK? These days the #NEET2024 Results creating a lot of buzz in the news specially after the supreme court of INDIA and NTA explanation regarding the results it become more and more proactive conversational part between the medical aspirants and the professionals. The hot topic is not new to the medical aspirants but it eventually take lime light after the result declaration and the score of 720 by the aspirants unanimously from the same exam Centre. Options are limited and the seats too for the medical aspirants to pursue the MBBS degree specially in the country like INDIA total no. of NEET aspirants appeared this year were 23.5 lakhs where as previously the number was 20.2 lakhs. The total number of seats are 1.30 lakhs (private and Govt) which directly increases the huge competition between the aspirants. Among the total aspirants not all can go for the Govt. aided colleges and universities...
Three years almost on the roll ever since the world's biggest disaster of the century took place. We all across the globe are on the mode of recovery and guess what somehow recovered from all kind of inflation. It's always a good thing to remember "tough time teaches you best lessons" Same with that time too, well to begin with the blog utilizing that time many people among us across the globe from every continent almost achieved the best version of themselves. That was seriously the best of the time when you can really explore yourself in terms of new skills, hobbies, activities, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and so many other platforms. Sometimes we always think that whatever they have achieved we can't or we are too late for it now, coz it's really difficult for us to cope up with the pace of life and also to start from the scratch #level 0.0 Keeping yourself busy with the hobby is one of the best way to channelise the energy in u. Its just the matter of righ...
In order to study the fundamental basics of Compound formation scientists had collected some laws , which stood the basic part and foundation of Chemical compound formation... The main laws are . Law of conservation of mass . Law of Definite Proportions . Law of Multiple Proportion . Law of Reciprocal Proportion Let's have a look what they have to say 1st Law " According to the law of conservation of mass, the mass of the products in a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the reactants." 2nd Law "In chemistry, the law of definite proportion, sometimes called Proust's law or the law of definite proportion, or law of constant composition states that a given chemical compound always contains its component elements in fixed ratio (by mass) and does not depend on its source and method of preparation." Example 👇 3rd Law "The law of multiple proportions, states that when two elements combine to form more than on...
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