Laws of Chemical combination
In order to study the fundamental basics of Compound formation scientists had collected some laws , which stood the basic part and foundation of Chemical compound formation...
The main laws are
. Law of conservation of mass
. Law of Definite Proportions
. Law of Multiple Proportion
. Law of Reciprocal Proportion
Let's have a look what they have to say
1st Law
"According to the law of conservation of mass, the mass of the products in a chemical reaction must equal the mass of the reactants."
2nd Law
"In chemistry, the law of definite proportion, sometimes called Proust's law or the law of definite proportion, or law of constant composition states that a given chemical compound always contains its component elements in fixed ratio (by mass) and does not depend on its source and method of preparation."
Example 👇
3rd Law
"The law of multiple proportions, states that when two elements combine to form more than one compound, the mass of one element, which combines with a fixed mass of the other element, will always be ratios of whole numbers."
4th Law
". It states that, "If two different elements combine separately with the same weight of a third element, the ratio of the masses in which they do so are either the same or a simple multiple of the mass ratio in which they combine."
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